Feel Safe | Rested | Grounded
We will listen to you and understand you. We use therapies such as CBT, REBT to help you resolve the root cause at your pace to overcome negative loop.

Does This Sound Familiar to You?
Physical Issues
My muscles tense up and tighten.
I am not able to work or concentrate.
My chest gets heavy as if it wants to shut down on its own.
I can't get out of bed most days.
Psychological Issues
I feel everyone is constantly judging me.
My feeling of fear will never go away.
I feel like I can't do anything right. I don't feel confident.
I feel fearful even when something good happens to me.
Other Issues
I feel as if there's a constant weight on my chest when I'm alone or trying to sleep.
I feel restless throughout the night even when I’m asleep.
I am shaking while I try to sleep.
I keep thinking about what I did wrong.
What Happens in a Therapy Session?
We often tend to think that you are anxious and you can not do anything about it. A good way to understand and deal with your anxiety is to try therapy. We understand that there could be resistance to therapy or many questions regarding it. You may have also read about it in multiple places and might have tried a therapist as well. We can tell you that we have created a safe space to express your true emotions and be there for you until you find the right therapist and beyond. Remember even if you fall back we are here for you.
Understand your anxiety symptoms and build trust
Identify your everyday triggers
Relabeling your feeling or behaviour associated with anxiety
Accepting your suppressed emotions, thoughts and behaviours
Disassociation from the anxiety
Compassion towards ourselves and loved ones
Exploration of psychology techniques such as (CBT) and others
Reflection and regular support sessions

What Problems Can Anxiety Therapy Solve?
The symptoms provided below are indicative. These can not be used for diagnosis of any mental health situation. You must discuss your situation with clinical psychologist or psychiatrist for diagnosis.
All the sessions are highly confidential binding our experts with legal contracts in accordance with the Mental Health Act 2017.

What have People Felt After Therapy?
Improved self-esteem and self-confidence
Understanding anxiety and its triggers
Willingness to live, love again and work better
Reduced overthinking and increased control over emotions
Lowered fear of things and improved sleep quality
What are Other People Saying About Our Therapy?
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What will happen when I will talk to a psychologist?Typically, the psychologist will try to understand your current needs and the root cause of your behaviour. Then they will try to equip you with psychological techniques that can provide you with tools to handle your emotions, current state and explore yourself.
What is the difference between a clinical psychologist and a counseling psychologist?Clinical psychologists focus on a population with serious mental health issues whereas counseling psychologists are equipped to deal with common stress and mental wellbeing.
Can I talk to my chosen expert before booking the session?Yes, there is a provision under the ‘Talk to Us’ tab on our homepage. Please use that to block a free 15 minute call with your chosen expert.
Can you assist me with stopping my tears, palpitations, over thinking or negative thoughts? "Yes, these experts are trained to assist you with dealing in such scenarios. These can be time consuming and may need some work but together we can bring positive changes.
How can ManoShala assist me?ManoShala has more than 30 experts who are verified professionals and are equipped to handle your emotions. We try to provide psychological techniques that can assist you to change perspective, overcome past and deal with yourself.