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Writer's pictureManoShala

An in-depth guide to Type-A personality: Answering all your questions

If you're a person who always feels they have to be doing something productive, or you're constantly focused on time management or deadlines, chances are you're a Type-A personality. This personality type is characterized by being very goal-oriented, intense in their work ethic, and generally hard working. While Type-A personalities can sometimes get a bad stigma for being obsessive and even compulsive about their work and personal goals, this does not mean that it's something that needs to be opposed. In reality self-awareness is something of the key to harnessing your "Type A" power for good.

What is a Type-A Personality?

Type-A personalities are generally more attracted to competitive, fast paced careers such as law, business, and medicine. If you're a Type-A person you probably also get frustrated easily when things don't go your way or when others don't share the same passion for accomplishment that you do.

For the person with a Type-A personality it can be hard to enjoy downtime because they're usually already focused on what they need to do next. The first step in overcoming this mindset is to realize that balance is important in order for you to be productive and successful in life.

How to Handle Being a Type-A Person?

Everyone has a certain amount of Type-A qualities, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Even if you don't want to turn it off completely there are ways to manage the feelings that come with having this personality type.

1. Analyze: The first step is to realize that you have this personality type and then evaluate how much time you spend being consumed by it. Write down everything you do from morning to night, and then look closely at what percentage of your day is spent doing things that might be considered excessive or unhealthy for someone with this personality type. For example, if you spend all day at the office, get home in time to eat dinner with your family and then go to bed shortly afterward, you might have a skewed perception of reality.

2. Schedule Downtime: The most important thing for a Type-A person to do is schedule downtime into their day. While this might seem counterproductive when you're accustomed to staying busy all the time, taking time off will actually make you more productive and successful in the long run. One way that scheduling downtime can help is by keeping your mind from racing in circles trying to come up with something productive or interesting for yourself to do. It's important that this down time isn't spent sitting on the couch watching TV. Instead it should be spent doing things that you really enjoy, such as exercising or even spending time with friends and family.

3. Delegate: This is a good tip for anyone who is trying to take control of their time. If you are always trying to do everything yourself this can make you more stressed out and run down than if you were to delegate some of your workload to others. You don't have to sacrifice quality by allowing others to do some of your work for you, but if you allow them the opportunity they might surprise you in the quality and speed at which they complete tasks.

4. Focus on yourself: The biggest thing a Type-A person can do is focus on themselves as much as possible. This is a hard thing to do, especially when you constantly think that everyone needs to be as productive as you are. But the truth is that no one is going to be able to do everything in this world on their own, so you need to realize that there are things that need to get done and prioritize them. Sure, it's not going to be easy but if you keep yourself busy by focusing on your goals, projects, and responsibilities then you will end up being more successful and well-rounded.

5. Learn how to say "no": This might seem like the easiest thing in the world but many Type-A people have trouble learning how to say "no". The best way to do this is to know when to say "no" and when you should stay silent. If someone asks you a question that you know they are not going to be satisfied with, then simply be quiet. There is nothing more frustrating than waiting around while someone feels they have to justify themselves.

6. Always check in with yourself: Being a Type-A person makes it hard to take a step back and ask yourself what is really motivating you? Many Type-A people end up being afraid of changing their routines or roles in order for them to feel less busy or stressed out, but if you constantly remain on top of your game then no one can keep up with your high level of accomplishment. If you really want to change things in your life and get rid of some of the stress that builds up as a result of being a Type-A person, then you have to be honest with yourself.

7. Aspire to be more than just Type-A: The truth is that everyone can have some qualities usually associated with this personality type. If you really want to be successful in life then you need to work hard, but it's also important not to become overwhelmed by the feeling that everything has to be perfect. As long as you can maintain a balance there should not be anything wrong with being a Type-A person. If you really want to take control of your life and destiny, set goals that stretch you and refuse to settle for mediocrity. When you put pressure on yourself to be the best at what you do, it will motivate you to work harder and make sacrifices in order to achieve the things that matter most in your life.


Adopting a Type-A personality type is not always bad, but it can also cause a lot of stress and anxiety. You need to realize that it's okay to be busy sometimes and even enjoy being so, but this does not mean that you should let yourself become overwhelmed by the need to be busy all the time or do everything alone.

Most importantly, realize that a healthy balance between work and play is important in order to have enough energy when you're ready for downtime. It's also important to remember that fun things should not come at the expense of more important responsibilities.

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